Fertility Law
Surrogacy Agreement
Donor Agreement
Registration of Birth
Birth Plan
Our Role as part of your team
Hey there,
You are about to go on an exciting life changing journey and understandable you have questions, perhaps lots of them. We understand that the various aspects of fertility law can be unclear but that is where we come in.
We will draft and review the following documents for you:
Whether you are the Intended Parent or the Surrogate, we are here to answer your legal questions and help you to draft or review your Surrogacy Agreement. As you may already know this is a necessary document which will set out and help you communicate your interests with each other. Please see our Surrogacy Agreement page by clicking on this link for a few of the areas we may need to cover in the agreement.
Sperm and Egg Donor Agreement
An agreement for Egg or Sperm donation sets out the details of donation and includes several declarations. There are different types of donor agreements. The type of agreement will depend on whether the donor is known or unknown. the agreement may also cover future contact or interactions with any child born as a result of the agreement.
Embryo Donation Agreement
Similarly to the Sperm and Egg donor agreement, an embryo donation agreement essentially states that the donor is not the parent of the child.
We also assist with registration of birth by answering your question regarding the proper documentation to be submitted as well as provide legal advice on the declaration of parentage. See Registration of birth forms here
We also assist with helping you to communicate your intentions through a birth plan to submit to the hospital prior to delivery. A birth plan is not mandatory. However, it is a useful means of communicating your wishes to your OBGYN team at the hospital ahead of time. this is useful because it gives an idea of accommodations which will be allowed by the hospital. You may find that the rules vary according to the facility and so we would want to make sure that we are adequately prepared. For more on birthing plans and a sample birthing plan see our birth plan page here.