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Kereka McIntyre Law Office

Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public

About Kereka McIntyre

Kereka McIntyre is a Family and Fertility lawyer, servicing the Greater Toronto Area.

Kereka is passionate about helping families resolve conflict.

Having worked on complex divorce and custody matters, Kereka recognizes that custody battles, separation and divorce can be tough on families, especially children.

As a mother, she understands the importance of preserving healthy relationships within the family unit, even where families are faced with the challenges of separation and divorce.

Kereka is equally passionate about helping families create new memories.

Her practice extends to Fertility law where she guides Intended parents, and Surrogates navigate the beautiful journey parenthood. 

Mississauga Family & Divorce Lawyer Kereka McIntyre travel consent motion to change Brampton lawyer fertility  hamilton Oakville Lawyer Milton halton lawyer child custody foreign divorce equalization nft
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Practice Areas

Family Law

At Kereka McIntyre Law Office, we specialize in providing comprehensive legal services in the field of Family Law. Our team of experienced lawyers is dedicated to helping clients navigate through the complexities of family-related legal matters. With our expertise and personalized approach, we strive to achieve the best possible outcomes for our clients.

Divorce and Separation

Our Divorce and Separation services are designed to guide clients through the emotional and legal aspects of ending a marriage or partnership. We provide expert advice on property division, child custody(decision making), and spousal support, ensuring that our clients' rights and interests are protected throughout the process.

family law agreements.Kereka McIntyre Law Office

Child Custody and Support

When it comes to matters involving children, our priority is to ensure their well-being and best interests are upheld. We help clients navigate the complexities of child decision-making arrangements, parenting time rights, and child support calculations. We work diligently to achieve fair and favorable outcomes for our clients and their children.

agreement signing

Domestic Agreements

Drafting and reviewing domestic agreements can be a complex process. As your Lawyer, we will work with you to ensure your agreement is comprehensive and fair.  Contact us today to schedule a consultation and get started.

As a fertility lawyer,  I provide legal guidance and support to clients embarking on the journey of assisted reproduction and surrogacy. My primary objective is to help clients navigate the complex legal landscape of fertility law and safeguard their legal rights, by explaining the process and drafting agreements. Whether you are an intended parent, surrogate, or donor, I am available to offer you the legal assistance you need, to achieve your family-building goals. To schedule a consultation, please get in touch with me today.

mental health Lawyer, Kereka Consent and capacity board Lawyer,Kereka Lawyer

As a fertility lawyer, my area of expertise is fertility law, and I provide legal guidance and support to clients dealing with issues related to assisted reproduction, surrogacy, and adoption. My primary objective is to help clients navigate the complex legal landscape of fertility law and safeguard their legal rights. Whether you are an intended parent, surrogate, or donor, I am available to offer you the legal assistance you need to achieve your family-building goals. To schedule a consultation, please get in touch with me today.


9-6975 Meadowvale Town Centre, Suite 508


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5050 Intreprid Drive
Mississauga, ON
L5M 0E9

Tel: 647-646-1347
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